It would be best if you had a steady income until your business does not start making profits, in an absolutely ideal world. This way, you can make sure all your expenses are being taken care of while you're risking it all on an idea with little to no traction. Moreover, it would let you focus on the main aspects of your business, like the product quality or creating a reputation for your brand. However, you will have to manage your time to do a job and run a business simultaneously. But, that is the only safe option for you, especially if you have a family to take care of and bills to pay. This is the great debate of starting a side hustle and then seeing that side project surpass the income of your actual day job. When is the right time to jump, or should I take this risk and business falls off later. That's the beauty of a side hustle, it can remain as a side project or you can risk proof it by keeping it going for a longer period of time. And if business is good enough, you could even cushion yourself with a 12-24 month emergency fund should the absolute worst-case scenario occur.
In the first few months of starting a business you will be tested, anxiety will be through the roof, you will be hustling for traction and it may be harder to find than you thought. But keeping an assurance that your bills are paid can help you experiment for longer to see your business idea through with relatively less stress than simply putting food on the table and keeping the light on.
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